
Is it possible for a human being to find the truth and if so in what form does the truth come to an individual human being. I am sure that the answer to the first part of this question is yes. The answer to the second part is more challenging. I think it is best addressed by attempting to identify what the truth is not. Because if you can represent it in print with words, then you have already lost its essence. The truth cannot be written in a book or represented in any finite medium. We can only point to where it is and the receiver of the ‘truth’ must bring it to life within one’s self. Art can do this in any of its many forms including visual art, music, creative writing or even some forms of scientific or philosophical writing.

That being said, I do think there are morally ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers to political and moral questions. These ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ conclusions are not arrived at by ideology but by moral imagination that is possible when one is able even briefly to empty oneself of one’s ideology and one’s purely self interests. The best description of this I know of is in Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom.

First Post

I decided to start this blog to share my thoughts with the public. I started to write about meditation, but I think I will develop that over time. I am focusing now on expanding the present moment and living into each moment. That is an ongoing challenge and very close to my experience with meditating. I would like to reference other sources that have inspired me as time goes on.